Chatham Artillery Punch

from The Shrimp Factory, Savannah, Georgia. This makes enough for a large party!

1 1/2 gallon Catawba
2 1/2 pound brown sugar
1/2 gallon rum
1 1/2 quart gin
1 1/2 quart brandy
1 1/2 quart rye whiskey
1/2 pint Benedictine
1 1/2 gallon strong tea
juice from 1 1/2 dozen oranges
juice from 1 1/2 dozen lemons
1 bottle Maraschino cherries
case of champagne

Make stock with all of above ingredients except champagne 36-48 hours before serving. Just before serving, add the champagne. Adjust proportions accordingly if you are having a smaller do.


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