Seafood Gumbo

This recipe should be sufficient to serve 12 people. All quantities are approximate,

Preparatory Steps:

Fry 4 or more slices of bacon until crisp, drain the bacon and reserve the grease.

Wash 1 to 2 pounds of okra. Cut into slices 1/4" thick. Sauté the slices in vegetable oil until soft. Set aside.

Chop enough onions to get 4 cups.

Making the roux:

In a large heavy pot, put 2/3 cup of oil. Use a combination of vegetable oil and the reserved bacon grease. Add 2/3 cup of flour. Cook and constantly stir (I prefer a whisk) the paste over medium to low heat until it is thick and brown, about 20 minutes.

Slowly add 2 quarts of water to the roux, stirring constantly. Initially the roux will try to become a ball. Continue adding the water slowly.

4 cups chopped onion
2 large cans of diced tomatoes
Salt & pepper to taste

Simmer for 1/2 hour, then add:

The okra
2 cups diced ham
The crumbled bacon slices
1 cup chopped celery
A quantity of fish if desired
Hot pepper sauce to taste
Simmer for another 1/2 hour

Add 2 pounds of raw shrimp, peeled and deveined.

Simmer until the shrimp is cooked. Serve over rice or as a soup.


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